Thursday, September 12, 2024

Meddling with Mistletoe by Liz Johnson

 Whitney has made a promise to her friend Aretha out of the goodness of her heart.  But when it all goes wrong she begins to look like a swindler.  For those who have enjoyed the other "Red Door Inn" books this one does not disappoint.  Whitney is anxious to prove that she is reliable, trustworthy and most of all can stick to a commitment.  But when a promise she made feels oh so wrong she questions herself and her motives.  Whitney will discover things aren't always as they seem even about her own life and choices.  This is a book filled with Christmas scents and flavors as well a fun Christmas romance/

I received this book free from the publishers and was not required to write a positive review.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox

 Between the Sound and Sea travels back to the time when lighthouses were fun by a lightkeeper.  It was especially crucial during WWII when suspected submarine and battle ship attacks were feared after Pearl Harbor.  The legend of Saint-Mae in the Outerbanks has Joey wondering if there is any truth to the rumor.  Finding escape from her own troubles she takes on a temporary job to restore an ancient light house.  In the process she finds she wants to help retsore an old man's dream.  The closer she becomes to Walt and his lighthouse dream the more mysteries start to evolve.  Not the least of which is the person of Walt's own grandson Finn.  Together the three unknowingly embark on a mission to help heal somethings that have long been broken.

I received this book from the publishers but was not required to write a positive review.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M. Miller

 Until Our Time Comes is based on true events occuring during World War II in Poland.  The heroine is an American fulfilling her life long dream to work with Poland's Arabian horses.  She meets Bret Conway a news reporter.  They will have to learn to trust each other in a time where nothing is as it seems.  This becomes more crucial as year after year progresses with more restrictions and danger.  This is an action packed story with a strong faith in God threading throughout each chapter.  It taught me about a specific aspecr of the Poland's history that I didn't know anything about.  And the courage to love and sacrifices that the main characters displayed was an inspiration.  At the conclusion of the book it was hard to believe this was the author's frst published book.  It was that good!

I received this book from the publishers but was not required to write a positive review.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Unforgiven by Shelley Shephard Gray

 I found this book a good comparison between forgiving and keeping boundaries.  Shelley Shephard Gray is an author who knows how to paint emotions and also leave a lasting impression.  The contrast between Seth and Leon was well portrayed.  It was interesting to read about how Tabitha's Amish community treated her situation versus Bethanne's.  The characters were intriguing and I wish the book could have gone on longer to explore the ideas of forgiveness versus boundaries a bit more.  This was a more serious read but had enough light hearted moments with tender first loves so that it was a book filled with hope not darkness.

I received this book free from the publishers but was not required to write a positive review.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Just for the Summer by Melody Carlson

 Jacqueline Potter and Ginny Masters have their own set of unique issues at the management positions.  When the chance comes to switch places for the summer both are eager to take the plunge.  In the process they discover much deeper issues than discontent.  As each looks carefully at their lfe choices, their ways of developing and maintaing relationships and how they view themselves they make some startling discoveries.  This book is packed with fun antcedotes but equally mixed with wise musing on the parts of the main characters.  Melody Carlson is a master at keeping the reader engaged while imparting jewels of wisdom.

I received this book from the publishers but was not required to write a positive review.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Fatal Witness by Patricia Bradley

Fatal Witness is not my usual genre, however I could't help but be pulled into the story.  Fatal Witness is a perfect recipe for a romance/suspense novel.  Mae has been searching for her missing grandchild for many years and hired a K-9 specialist to aid her in the search.  Meanwhile Dani knows her parents were murdered when she was a very young girl.  Some believe she witnessed their murders but Dani has blocked all memories of that day from her mind.  One of the most intriguing parts of the story is when Dani begins to sketch some of her nightmares.  With the help of a loyal canine companion Lizi and clues that start to surface as danger lurks nearby Mae and Dani begin to bond together in their pain and deep desire to know the truth of what happened on that fateful day.

I received this book from the publishers but was not required to write a positive review.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Divine Proverb of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold

 This book certaintly holds culinary delights in descriptive recipes and the process of the creation of these intriguing and delicious treats.  But it is through the making and sharing of her great-grandmother's recipes that Nikki discovers wisdom to help those she loves and even herself.  Faced with a complex combination of love, hurt and fear she flees to her uncle's farm.  There she meets a variety of interesting characters that both bewilder and comfort her in their own quirky ways.  When she discovers her great-grandmother's recipe book she finds wisdom within the pages to help her navigate this painful time in her life.  Her great-grandmother's hand written notes with each recipe offer just he words of advice she needs.  She begins to understand that forgiveness isn't given because someone deserves it but because of what God has done for each one of us when we didn't deserve it.

I received this book from the publishers but was not required to write a positive review.