Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bruno and Titch by Sheena Dempsey

Bruno and Titch
The Tale of a Boy and His Guinea Pig
Sheena Dempsey
Illustrated by Sheena Dempsey
            Titch is a lonely guinea pig waiting for someone to love him.  When Bruno buys him from the pet store and brings him home the adventures begin.  Titch learns that being best friends doesn’t always mean you both like the same things.
            Sheena Dempsey has created a tender friendship story with times of wonder and suspense.  As children listen to this story they will learn about the meaning of compromise, unselfishness and loyalty among friends.  This is a book that gives a warm feeling of belonging.  Sheena Dempsey’s illustrations match Bruno’s excitement of creating fun activities for his beloved pet and Titch’s wonder at discovering them. 

            Adults and children will enjoy reading this book and sharing the deeper meaning behind this tender story.  This book could be used in the classroom as a discussion starter on ways to get along with friends, ways to show you care, how to share or compromise and what makes someone a true friend.

I received this book free from the publishers in exchange for my honest review.

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